July 19, 2020

An Old Challenge Restarted.

9th August 2013 sits accusingly in my fishing diary. That was the last time I caught a crucian carp and, if truth be told, one of the last times I attempted to.

They had been stocked into a one acre pool on the estate where the carp lake is situated. No questions on identification, genuine accredited crucians which the promise of a golden future as they grew on. They did grow and pound plus fish started to appear.I even caught that single fish amongst the numerous roach that abounded. I fished a few more times and saw those little single bubbles around the weeds and the dithering minute dips and lifts of the float that never resulted in a fish.

A lot has happened since 2013. My ability to fish for any length of time was reduced but a couple of  events this year have given me some of my old vim back. I have new pain relief medication and having sold five rejects, I bought a Fox Duralite chair that, along with my couple of cushions, enables me to sit for a while and still be able to stand up again. I've fished every few days and am still in one piece - result.

However, since 2013 the crucian pond has not fared so well. There was a plague of cormorants and more than enough otters over wintering in the area. The result is that roach are very thin on the ground. What used to be a bite a chuck with the chance of some big fish has become extremely thin pickings. The perch too used to be plentiful and fit but now there's just little ones that I've seen so far.

On the plus side, some tench were introduced and are doing okay and the bream seem to have survived pretty much unharmed - if you count that as a plus. But the crucians? I have heard of one, just one coming out in recent history. It was over two pounds mind so it's well worth having a go.

I did just that last evening and, before I raise any hopes, no I didn't get one. The problem is that the lake has a narrow shelf and it is from this feature that I had my fish. It is also on the shelf that displays the tantalising bubbles but, for the life of me, I cannot now get a bite off it. Just a few inches further out and the drop off is dramatic and attractive to the rest of the fish that live in there. So, do I keep dibbling on the ledge or try and catch as many of the fish in the going spots and hope that a crucian may one day drop by and say hello?

I confess, the quest is a real long shot and when, as it did last evening, the bubbling stops but the bream and tench roll and fizz further out, the temptation to raise the float and have a go is too strong to resist. I guess that something else that's changed in the last six years is my patience and determination. I hedged my bets, fished two lines and didn't give either the attention they deserved.

My evening resulted in a single bream that demonstrated a turn of speed that was well out of character, a brace of diminutive perch and a couple of eels just above the 'bootlace' category. It's possibly  even longer ago that I caught my last eel so I should be grateful. Indeed it is welcoming to see eels nowadays but I do want one of those golden beauties.


  1. That’s a proper challenge, hopefully you’ll find a few crucians - will watch the blog with interest - good luck!

    1. Don't hold your breath Brian, I can't stick with a plan this season so I'm likely to lose interest and flit off to the next water that glitters. Another water that has lots of crucians beckons.....

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Had a beautiful crucian pond about 20yrs ago.30-40 bags were common.Then the black plague descended and when we drained and cleaned the pond there wasn't one left.Hope your pond fares better Dave,good luck with the quest

    1. So many waters have fallen to predation and we are supposed to accept it as natural. I suppose the tench have been the big winners in this case so when it'll be lemons and lemonade I guess.

      What happened to your blog?


    2. I couldn't be bothered in the end.I have a youtube channel Dean Franklin 12345 ,but don't post on that anymore as the locals would just wait for the posts to find out when the fish were back.Stay healthy and fishing

    3. The eternal problem of the social angler :o)

  3. Jag blev separerad från min man för tre år sedan. Det fanns ingen kommunikation mellan oss. Jag fick rådet av familjer och vänner att släppa taget och glömma äktenskapet och gå vidare i mitt liv. Jag ville inte gifta mig med någon annan för innerst inne älskar jag fortfarande min man. Jag led så mycket av smärta och förvirring att jag läste en rekommendation på nätet om hur Dr Alaba återförenade ett trasigt äktenskap med hjälp av sina andliga krafter. Jag fortsatte att läsa så många vittnesmål om hur han hjälpte till att sätta stopp för skilsmässor och återupprätta människors före detta älskade och min tro förnyades. Jag kontaktar Dr Alaba omedelbart några minuter senare, han svarade mig och gav mig instruktioner om vad jag skulle göra, efter att jag uppfyllde kravet två dagar efter ritualen förändrade besvärjelsen mitt liv runt min man som inte pratade med mig. Två dagar ringde han till mig mitt i natten och grät och bad om ursäkt att detta är demonernas verk, så jag är fortfarande förvånad över detta mirakel så jag förlåter honom. Nu är mitt äktenskap i balans. Dr Alaba-ritualen fungerade utmärkt och mitt äktenskap är starkare än tidigare, och ingenting kan skilja oss åt igen. Jag besökte så många webbplatser som jag letade efter hjälp, det var hopplöst tills jag fick kontakt med Dr Alaba, den riktiga mannen som hjälpte mig att återställa mitt trasiga äktenskap om du har ett liknande problem i ditt äktenskap, du vill att din man eller fru ska älska dig om igen. , Du har någon du älskar och du vill att han eller hon ska älska dig i gengäld, du har en utmaning i ditt liv, stavningsmallen av Dr Alaba är lösningen och svaret på ditt problem, whatsapp / viber med hans telefonnummer: +1(425) 477-2744, Kontakta honom idag genom att skicka ett e-postmeddelande till dralaba3000@gmail.com. Låt inte någon ta din make ifrån dig.
